Monday 1 August 2011

The if decision structure

The if statement evaluates a condition and if the result is true then it runs the line of code that follows it. Here is an example of how to test if the value of a variable called I is equal to 5 :
public class Decisions
               public static void main( String [ ] args )

               int i = 5 ;
               if ( i == 5)
                 System.out.println( “ I is equal to 5 “ );
If you change i to 4 and run this program again you will see that no message is printed.
               we know that if the condition is true then the code directly afer the if statement is run. You can run code for when the condition is false by using the else statement

public class Decisions
               public static void main ( String [ ] args )


               int i = 4 ;
               if ( i = = 5 )

               System.out.println ( “ i is equal to 5 “);


               System.out.println( “i is not equal to 5 “ );

How to use Command-Line Arguments

Using Command-Line Arguments
Helps us to pass information into a program when it is run
class CommandLine
public static void main (String args [ ] )
for (int i= 0; I < args.length ; i ++ )
System.out.println(“ args [ “ + i + “ ] ; “ + args [ i ]) ;

To execute a program, we write from the command prompt:

java CommandLine this is a test 100-1

Simple program to arrange the citynames in ascending order

Simple program to arrange the citynames in ascending order

class stasc
                    public static void main (String args [ ])
                                        int I, j;
                                        String st;
                                        for (i=0 ; I <args.length ; i++ )
                                                            for(j=0 ; j < args.length-1; j ++)
                                                            if (args [ j].compareTo( args {j + 1] )>0)
                                                            st=args[ j ] ;
                                                            args [ j] =args [ j + 1]
                                                            args [ j + 1 ];
                                                            args [ j + 1 ] =st ;
                    for(i=0; i< args.length; i++)
                                        System.out.println(args [ i] );
Output :
                    Java stasc xyz abc hello

arrange the numbers in descending order

class comm.
                    public static void main (String args [] )
                    int I,j,k ;
                    k= args.length;
                    String temp;
                    for(i=0; i<k-1 ; i++ )
                                        for (j=0;j<k;j++)
                                        if(Integer.parseInt(args[ j ])<Integer.parseInt ( args [ j + 1 ]))
                                        temp = args [j ];
                                        args [j] =args [ j+ 1];
                                        args[j + 1]= temp;
for(i=0 ;I <args.length; i ++)
                    System.out.println(args [ I ]);
                    java comm. 12 2 3 1 46


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